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Infinity - Gameboy Color (2021-2022)

Infinity is a Gameboy Color RPG, with a long history:

Originally developed by Affinix Software from 1999 to 2001 towards the end of the Game Boy Color’s retail lifespan, the shift in the market towards the Game Boy Advance (released in 2001) resulted in publishing struggles for the game. As a result, the original Affinix team went their separate ways, leaving Infinity a what-if that was formally canceled in 2002. Yet, 15 years later, following repeated interest in what was seen as one of the last Game Boy Color games, an unfinished version of Infinity was released as a free ROM in 2016.

Now, for the 20th anniversary of Infinity, the developer and publisher Incube8 Games have assembled a team consisting of both Affinix originals and fresh faces to finally complete Infinity and give it the physical cartridge release for the Game Boy Color that it always deserved!

My role on this project was that of main illustrator. I've designed all the characters based on their in-game sprites and script description, as well as some other elements, such as the boxart, or some items for the manual.

I took inspiration from the great japanese video games illustrations from the 90's, as I wanted to embrace as much as possible the retro aspect of the game. It was very important for me to create artworks that would have fitted at the time the game was first developed.

Link to the Kickstarter campaign:

Illustration for the boxart, cartridge label, as well as some other merchandising items.

Illustration for the boxart, cartridge label, as well as some other merchandising items.

Alternative boxart/poster art.

Alternative boxart/poster art.

Connor is the main protagonist of Infinity. He is a knight stripped of his title with a tragic backstory, and a destiny to fulfill.

Connor is the main protagonist of Infinity. He is a knight stripped of his title with a tragic backstory, and a destiny to fulfill.

An Aluthan citizen, Anna was Connor’s beloved wife. She died from the Plague years ago, plunging Connor into a deep sadness. Will he ever be able to overcome the pain?

An Aluthan citizen, Anna was Connor’s beloved wife. She died from the Plague years ago, plunging Connor into a deep sadness. Will he ever be able to overcome the pain?

Prince of Alutha and leader of its armies, Roland was once a close friend to Connor. After the betrayal by Selera and the defeat of his forces, Roland has lived for nothing but revenge.

Prince of Alutha and leader of its armies, Roland was once a close friend to Connor. After the betrayal by Selera and the defeat of his forces, Roland has lived for nothing but revenge.

Elya is the last remaining apprentice of the Tower of Magi; she is also the only female
apprentice they have ever had. Her unbreakable spirit and faith in God have allowed her to overcome all obstacles placed in her path.

Elya is the last remaining apprentice of the Tower of Magi; she is also the only female
apprentice they have ever had. Her unbreakable spirit and faith in God have allowed her to overcome all obstacles placed in her path.

Ryan is a mercenary for hire, who seems only to care for money. His dismissive attitude toward the concerns of others and his biting sarcasm make him a difficult ally at times. However, his skill with a bow and his speed in battle are unmatched.

Ryan is a mercenary for hire, who seems only to care for money. His dismissive attitude toward the concerns of others and his biting sarcasm make him a difficult ally at times. However, his skill with a bow and his speed in battle are unmatched.

Turned into a werewolf through the curse of lycanthropy, Victor yearns to be a man once

Turned into a werewolf through the curse of lycanthropy, Victor yearns to be a man once

Here is a rare look at how Victor was before being hit by the curse of lycanthropy. There is nothing he wishes more than to go back to his human form, but it is not an easy task…

Here is a rare look at how Victor was before being hit by the curse of lycanthropy. There is nothing he wishes more than to go back to his human form, but it is not an easy task…

Alutha is one of the three legendary heroes who fought against the Unnamed. He is in love with Selera, another legendary hero. Together with Gilus, they destroyed the Unnamed a long time ago...

Alutha is one of the three legendary heroes who fought against the Unnamed. He is in love with Selera, another legendary hero. Together with Gilus, they destroyed the Unnamed a long time ago...

Along with Alutha and Gilus, Selera is one of the three legendary heroes who fought the Unnamed a long time ago. Alutha and her were deeply in love.

Along with Alutha and Gilus, Selera is one of the three legendary heroes who fought the Unnamed a long time ago. Alutha and her were deeply in love.

Along with Alutha and Selera, Gilus is one of the three legendary heroes who fought the Unnamed a long time ago. He was the most powerful mage of his generation.

Along with Alutha and Selera, Gilus is one of the three legendary heroes who fought the Unnamed a long time ago. He was the most powerful mage of his generation.

The Creator works for the king of Selera, for whom he creates animated Golems. According to rumors, he used to be a mage from the Tower of Magi...

The Creator works for the king of Selera, for whom he creates animated Golems. According to rumors, he used to be a mage from the Tower of Magi...